jueves, 25 de marzo de 2010


Another of that thinks are paint a drawing on a stick, and when you finish only put the stick on sites in the street where the people can see. The people how do sticks are the Stickers. Stick is one of the most easy urban art in the worls because you do the stick in your house and you have all the time that you want.

Urban art

But graffiti doesn't consist only in paint in the walls, graffiti have more thinks. One of that thinks are stencils. Stencis consist in cut a paper and do a picture in the interior, next put the paper wit the picture and paint the inside, when you take out the paper in the wall are the picture that you create.

One of the most important urban art in the world it's Graffiti.In that art the artist are popular for her creativity and her imagination.
The persons first create one signature, its name is Tag, the arists use that tag to signate in the walls of streets. The arists sometimes create groups of persons, the name of it is Crews, the persons of a crew put a global name for that group.

martes, 23 de marzo de 2010

About me

We like Graffiti because it's a popular art in the world and the walls of the street are more beautifull with one of its. Graffiti doesn't cosnist onlly in paint in the walls, graffiti are a urban art and have more tipes of expressions (stikers, stencils...), graffiti is a form of live.

lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010